Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

9 Turns Less Food is Good for Your Health

9 Turns Less Food is Good for Your Health

 Various dishes and processed in this world. Everything that can provide energy for the human body as an energy source, but not all of the food was good for consumption. Here are some foods that should be avoided based on quoted mashed.com on Friday (06.01.17)

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1. Soda
While you may know that drinking too much soda is bad for you because of the high sugar content and lack of nutritional benefits, but you may not realize how bad the impact of consuming soda. Besides being a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic and a catalyst for diabetes, soda can cause other health problems. According to Rodale Organic Life, artificial caramel coloring that makes a lot of color brown soda has been shown to cause cancer in animals. Moreover, the phosphate in the soda soda membantuagar last longer may have a degenerative effect when consumed in excess, may carry on the effects of premature aging.
2. White Bread
White bread made with refined grains as opposed to the recommended grains in your daily diet. Refined flour has been stripped of the bran of wheat, is part of a fiber-containing grain. You need fiber in your body to help keep your digestive system and irregular bowel flush, as part of the natural cleansing process. Consuming only white bread can make you constipated and restless. However, you can counteract the negative effects of this by incorporating more whole wheat bread products into your daily meals and snacks. If you know that wheat bread is better for your body, but actually prefer the taste of white bread, try buying products made with white wheat.
3. Fruit juice
Fruit juice is often seen good for you. You may be surprised to realize that many fruit juices bought in stores contain much sugar as soda. While they may contain some vitamins and minerals, high sugar levels throwing away the benefits of vitamins and minerals that exist. To process the most commercial fruit juices, natural flavors are extracted and added artificial ones to replace them. Homemade smoothie is a great way to incorporate fruit into your diet without succumbing to the lure of sweet fruit juice can be purchased at the store.
4. Vegetable Oil
As an alternative to replace animal fats such as butter or lard, you might be led to believe that the vegetable oil is good for your body. Commercial vegetable oil is pumped with hydrogen gas to increase the mass of oil, partially hydrogenated oils but it also gives them the trans fats. Trans fats are unsaturated fats that have been modified to be more stable, but according to the American Heart Association, trans fats mengknsumsi make you more at risk for heart disease and stroke. Memasaklah using unsalted butter or olive oil in order to avoid increasing the risk of trans fats in the body.
5. Gluten-Free Snacks
One study showed that consuming gluten can trigger an increase in excess of 70 percent on the factors associated with leaky gut syndrome, celiac disease and other gluten allergies are dangerous and can be life-threatening. But that does not mean free of gluten makes the body healthy, gluten-free snacks many had avoided the sticky wheat protein, they can add powdered sugar instead. If you maintain a gluten-free diet, remember to keep your diet remains balanced.
6. Low-Fat Yogurt
If you often choose low-fat yogurt in the store, it may be time to reconsider. First, low-fat yogurt often add sugar to make youghurt still has a good flavor to be enjoyed. Therefore, always make sure the content indicated on the packaging label yoghurt you buy to ascertain the content therein.
7. Cheese Cured
There is a big difference between the real cheese and processed cheese products. Cheese products used to be eaten with cheese sandwiches and finger foods. Processed cheese products containing artificial dyes, chemicals, and other addictive substances. Prices were much friendlier very possible these materials is not derived from real milk. So, more cermatlah to choose your intake of good for consumption.
8. Fast Food
American Heart Association warns that eating fast food can be detrimental to your health. The content of salts, oils and excess sugar and preservatives in fast food is the reason why the menu is so not recommended for consumption.
9. Drink Coffee

Try to consider first before you consume coffee. Coffee with the addition of a variety of syrups and creams've obviously not recommended for your body. If you want menikmasti cup of coffee, try a way that is simple yet healthful. Yes, hitaam coffee with a little milk while accompanied by a biscuit to add pleasure the coffee flavor.
(Odilia Hana Smith)


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